American Haflinger Registry Youth Program
The goal of the AHRY (American Haflinger Registry Youth) program is to educate and entertain the younger members of our Haflinger society. It is our hope that participation in the AHRY program will lead to enhanced knowledge and lifelong friendships. The foundation of our program is the development of good horsemanship, sportsmanship and leadership within the youth of our community. Youth are our future.
All AHRY members are eligible to compete in our contests, with the keystone of our program, being the D. Lee Wilson Jr. Memorial Scholarship, which is presented annually to a deserving AHRY member.
Youth membership is open to any youth 18 or under (at the time of sign-up) and the annual membership rate is $12.
Members need not own a Haflinger, but they MUST share a love and interest in the breed!
Actions by persons (Parents, guardians and youth) involved with the Haflinger Youth Member will be consistent with values comprising good character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, caring, fairness and citizenship. All youth and guardians will be required to sign a code of honor.
NEW Membership and Programs begin in 2021!
Benefits of AHRY Membership include:
• AHRY Contests
→ Best Photo Content
→ Best Creative Writing
→ Best Art
→ High Point Youth Award
→ Participation in the Golden Path Recreation Program Youth Division
• Eligibility for the D. Lee Wilson Jr. Memorial Scholarship
• Gatherings online and in person at AHR Events and Shows
Check out the 2021 Youth Gazette!

The American Haflinger Fund
The American Haflinger Fund is a 501c(3) Charitable Non-Profit Corporation.
Our goal is to maintain an on-going scholarship fund in the name of D. Lee Wilson Jr., for our youth members who are involved with the Haflinger breed. To donate, make checks payable to the American Haflinger Fund and mail to Carolyn Sutton, 2031 Fixler Road, Medina, Ohio 44256. You can use the Amazon smile Program when shopping on Amazon and a portion of your purchase will be donated to the Haflinger Fund.

Erin Keller of Wadsworth, Ohio
D. Lee Wilson Jr. Memorial Scholarship Application
The annual D. Lee Wilson Jr. Memorial Scholarship is designed to recognize the exceptional youth of the American Haflinger Registry. Recipients of this award are recognized as well-rounded individuals who are active in the promotion of their Haflinger Project, active in community involvement and active in other groups, organizations or teams.
- Applicants must be a Youth Member of the AHR for two years. (One year prior and current year counts as two years; parent membership meets prior-year eligibility requirement)
- Applicants must be pursuing higher education whether it be enrolled in College or Technical School.
- Recipient of Scholarship must provide Enrollment of Higher Education and Scholarship funds will be mailed directly to Recipient.
- Recipient of Scholarship must use funds within 3 years of High School Graduation.
To apply, Applicants must submit the following.
- Photo of Applicant and their Haflinger Project
- One-Two Page Essay including their Name, Contact Info, AHR Youth Membership #
- Brief Description of their Haflinger Project
- List of Clubs, Organizations, Sports, Offices Held, Leadership Awards, Volunteer Work, Hobbies, Etc.
- Must mention the enrolled Higher Educational Institution program the Scholarship will be applied to.
- One Letter of Recommendation.
Applicants can submit their submissions by email to board@haflingerhorse.com or Mail to AHR Youth Scholarship, PO Box 124, Fredericktown, OH 43019 by August 1st, 2021.
Scholarship Recipients will be awarded at the AHR Gala, Saturday, September 4th during the AHR National Showcase in Shipshewana, IN.