AHR Youth High Point Award Application Name*FirstLast Date of Birth*01020304050607080910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031day / JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecembermonth / 2020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002year Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region Postal / Zip Code Email* Phone* Do you prefer to ride or drive your Haflinger?*Please check all the categories that apply to you HCC Shows - 10pts eachAttended one of the “Haflinger Championship Challenge” Shows – 10 Points each (Buckeye Haflinger Show, Central Ohio Haflinger Show, or AHR National Show) HCC Shows List Other Shows - 5pts each up to 30Attended a horse show other than the “Haflinger Championship Challenge” shows (please list how many) – 5 Points each with a cap at 30 Points. Please list any placements on the back of this application or on another page (placing will only be used in the case of a tie). Other Shows List Volunteer - 15ptsVolunteered at an AHR sponsored event (runner at the AHR sale, prepared Haflingers for auction, helped at AHR or AHRY information tables, helped at the Haflinger Championship Challenge show, etc) – 15 Points Volunteer Details Memberships - 15ptsActive member of 4-H, USPC, FFA, or other – 15 Points Memberships Ride or drive Haflingers regularly – 5 PointsRide or drive Haflingers regularly – 5 Points Trained your Haflinger – 10 PointsTrained your Haflinger – 10 Points Training explanation Cared for your Haflinger on a regular basis – 5 PointsCared for your Haflinger on a regular basis – 5 Points Entered AHRY contests or contributed to the AHRY Newsletter – 10 PointsEntered AHRY contests or contributed to the AHRY Newsletter – 10 Points School Report, Demo, etc - 15 pointsPresented information about the Haflinger in the form of a school report, 4-H demonstration, etc. – 15 Points School Report explanation Other Promotion - 10 pointsPromoted the Haflinger breed in any other way that was not covered on this list – 10 Points Other promotion explanationSubmitReset reCAPTCHA