The American Haflinger Registry is a democratic member-owned association dedicated to providing timely and accurate documentation of Haflinger pedigrees and ownership, as well as promoting the Haflinger breed through the sponsorship of shows, sales, advertising and our voluntary classification program.
Join Us
Join over 11,000 North American Haflinger owners in their promotion, support, and enthusiasm for this breed! Members receive reduced rates on Registry transactions, Haflinger Horse Bits newsletters and Haflinger Horse Yearbook, eligibility AHR programs, and more.

Search the pedigree database, progeny reports, ownership history, and more, all on our DigitalHorses platform.
Explore regional clubs and associations, find nearby owners and breeders, view members’ classified ads and more, all on our expanded Connect with Haflingers page.
From performance awards to recreation milestones, AHR offers recognition for our members’ and their Haflingers’ accomplishments! Enroll, submit hours and points, and track progress here.
Inspection added to the Futurity Show!
NEWS FLASH! There will be an Inspection and Classification at the AHR Sport Futurity this fall! It will take place Friday afternoon, October 6th, starting around 2:30 p.m. Location is Lake Erie College, Mentor OH. For more information and an...
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Contact Us
PO Box 124
16402 Village Parkway
Fredericktown OH 43019
(330) 784-0000
Contact the Board
View Directors and Committees here
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